There are several meals that I remember fondly that she made, and one of them was spaghetti. Now, spaghetti doesn't seem too exciting, but she made some special changes to hers that made it stand out.
She always made her sauce from scratch, and a couple of added ingredients are BBQ sauce and ketchup. This may seem strange to some, or maybe it's more common that I think, but it makes a great sauce. I also add an extra can of stewed tomatoes in myself :)
I made this delicious dish a few weeks ago, and instead of spaghetti noodles, I used a ziti type noodle. I know, this will make it un-spaghetti, but it's still the same to me!
Look at the steaming pot of goodness. I added Italian sausage, black olives and mushrooms. Really, a treat!
When I eat spaghetti, I have to have fresh French bread. I was lucky enough to get to the store right as they had put it out. I made up a little garlic butter and it was delicious. My complete plate:
Looks good, huh? It was!!!
Try it out one day if you want a slight spin on your normal pasta sauce.
1 package spaghetti sauce mix
1¾ cups water
1 can (6 oz.) tomato paste
About 2 tablespoons of regular BBQ sauce. Eyeball it! Same with the ketchup.
Sausage, mushrooms, olives, stewed tomatoes. Your choice!
Brown meat if using.
Stir sauce mix, water and tomato paste in medium saucepan until well blended. Add anything else you want to.
Bring to boil; cover. Reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Serve over pasta.
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